Thursday, April 18, 2013

months behind, i know.

So, nearly two months later…

I’ve been caught up in the swing of things (school, social activities, traveling) and this blog has slipped desperately by the wayside. I’ll try to catch up slowly.

I’ll start back in March, when I headed into London to see one of my best friends from back home, Rachel. We spent the day wandering around the city, looking at the landmarks but mostly just catching up. We haven’t seen each other in six months by that point, so of course, we talked for nearly the whole time straight. It was a relaxing day in the city, if nothing else. However, that upcoming week sort of kicked me down a few pegs, I ended up getting an awful case of a sinus infection and went to the hospital for the day, in between writing up two 500 word essay plans. That in itself was (still is) a bit of a strange concept to me. Writing up, essentially, an outline for another person to critique is something I haven’t done since middle school. It was really quite strange, but my professors seemed impressed with the way that I wanted to take my essays, so that was a comforting thought.

That Saturday, Anna and I headed to the town of Plymouth, which is about forty minutes by train from Exeter. It was a spur of the moment trip, we just wanted to get out of Exeter for a day and see a bit of the surrounding area. Plymouth is a bit of a weird city – most of it was bombed in the war because of the fact that it was such a strong Navy base (and had been for centuries). We didn’t honestly do a lot, just wandered about the town, but it was nice and sunny and we were by the coast – so neither of us was about to complain.

The week following that, I found myself locked in the library nearly every day. I had two 3000 word essays (that are not assessed! I hate it, England!) due March 19, and we had a train booked into London for St. Patrick’s Day. So, I really needed to have them both done. But, seeing as I wrote the entirety of 3000 words in about 12 hours on Wednesday, I found myself completely unable to do anything in the way of getting my second essay finished before we left for London that Friday.

London for St. Patrick’s ended up just being a chill weekend for us, we wandered the city on Saturday, and then our Swedish flatmate, Ebba, introduced us to some of her friends from the city and they showed us a good evening out in Shoreditch. Sunday, the actual day of celebrations, was loads more relaxed, as we made our way around Camden market for hours, before getting some Indian food and getting back on the train home.

Now, I’m only a month behind in my updates, so I’ll keep some more stories for another post! Until next time xx

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