Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I know, I know, I know, it has been ages. But here I am, I'm alive and well in Exeter. Actually, I'm not completely well. I've catch the mid-semester plague along with the rest of my flat, so there's that little detail.

Anyways, so the last few weeks have been pretty good. After the costume party that was mentioned last post, we took a few days out to just relax and focus on schoolwork. Of course, until Wednesday! We got a full on dose of British culture with the introduction to rugby, the Exeter uni team against Bath. I had the advantage of having someone explain rugby to me for three hours the night before, so I sort of knew what was going on. Exeter won, and all in all - it was a pretty good night. Some of our Aussie boys are on the rugby team (not the one playing), so it was a good time to hang out with them in their element.

That Saturday, Anna, Layla, Megan, Scott, and I headed out to Sherbourne, which is about an hour away in Dorset. We were hoping to see a castle, but alas, both castles were closed. Instead, we went to the abbey and then wandered town and got a bite to eat before going home. Nothing too wildly exciting there.

Last week was the beginning of birthday celebrations for one of our flatmates, Layla. We threw her a surprise party on Saturday night and then went to the Lemmy on campus, and then last night we went for a lovely dinner courtesy of Megan's parents, and then we hosted a party in our flat before going to Cheesy Tuesdays. It was her big 21, so the night was pretty fantastic.

This upcoming week we've all got some assignments due, so we're holding down the fort and working on those - and then on Sunday, I'm headed into London to see the one and only Rachel!

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